Russia: Anatomy of a Crackdown
Russia is undergoing the sharpest crackdown on the opposition in almost twenty years. Has Putin defeated the opposition? And how far can he go without triggering a backlash?
Russia is undergoing the sharpest crackdown on the opposition in almost twenty years. Has Putin defeated the opposition? And how far can he go without triggering a backlash?
Is it now impossible for EU states to remain true to the principle of “fellow citizen favouritism” and also to the rules of the EU?
Thomas Graham and Andrei Soldatov will discuss the internal dynamics and contradictions of the Russian regime and their implications on the country’s actions and interests in the international arena
While the discussion will focus on Israel and Iran's respective perceptions and policies, Ali Ansari and Nadav Eyal will also touch on how these play out in regional developments and notably the Syria conflict.
The basis for a two-state solution has been eroded almost to the point of collapse making a political breakthrough more urgent than ever. But how can Europe generate new momentum for Palestinian statehood?
The political transitions in North Africa appear to be faltering, with the early stages of democracy showing the dangers of political competition as much as its benefits. But what are the prospects for pluralistic politics in the region?
Professor Yan Xuetong, one of the most high profile foreign policy experts in China,and Mark Leonard will reflect on how China’s foreign policy will change under the new political leadership
As anti-elite sentiment rises across Europe, governments are struggling to respond to a new political environment. What will replace the old political order, a revival of liberal democracy or a crisis of governability?
Shahin Vallée, Waltraud Schelkle and Sebastian Dullien will discuss the impact of the recent crisis developments on Europe’s single market and how new integration initiatives alter the cost and benefits for countries such as Britain
Johan Hallenborg, Carl Fredrik Wettermark and Susi Dennison will discuss the challenges facing internet freedom, the Swedish response to these challenges and their wider impact upon European foreign policy