
Cleaning up Ukraine?s Pipes

How can the EU work with Ukraine to prevent another crisis next January? Andrew Wilson discusses

Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes

Last year’s Congo crisis brought home the EU’s limitations as a global power. Will it accept them or try to overcome them? Richard Gowan discusses

Europe’s annual gas row

Andrew Wilson offers solutions on the Ukrainian front to prevent a gas crisis next year

Czechs must guide the EU through choppy waters

The purgatory between two Treaties will be a difficult time for the EU. Andrew Duff MEP explains what the Czechs, who have yet to ratify the Lisbon Treaty, face at the start of their EU Presidency

Human rights – a time for reflection

Anthony Dworkin calls for a moment of reflection in the light of the anniversary of the human rights declaration

Golden carrots

With EU enlargement no more on offer, the EU?s neighbourhood policy faces increasing difficulties