
Immer weniger Europa

Das neue Deutschland wächst sichtlich aus dem europäischen Haus heraus. Es profitiert von der EU, will Sie aber nicht führen und sieht sich stattdessen noch in der europäischen Opferrolle. Ist der Preis für Europa wirklich so hoch? Und sind wir nicht der große Nutznießer in der EU?

Afghanistan: Let me count the wars…

Waging even one war and winning it is complicated enough. Not to mention waging three different wars and winning them. This is what faces the international forces in Afghanistan. (In English and Spanish)

Does Barack Obama believe in the United Nations?

Barack Obama is addressing the United Nations General Assembly. His approach to the outside world is markedly different from that of George W Bush, but he is certainly not an unconditional believer in the UN. As he deals with domestic pressures, rising powers and challenges like Iran, he is ready to sideline or ignore the UN when he feels it necessary

Strategic weaknesses – at home and abroad

The EU is finally looking for coherent ways to organise itself as a powerful actor on the world stage. This is necessary in a multi-polar world of rising powers – but Europe needs to remember that dealing with its challenges at home is a prerequisite for being taken seriously abroad

Bringing good news from Ghent

If there was ever a moment for defence ministers to pool their efforts and resources, then this is it. Defence budgets across the continent are being severely cut as austerity measures kick in. Ahead of the defence ministers’ meeting in Ghent on 23-24 September, Nick Witney points out that the Lisbon Treaty offers defence ministers a ready-made ‘transnational defence cooperation’ device in the form of PESCO – and urges them to use it

Decision time for Afghanistan

If the EU wants to be a credible promoter of democracy, it needs to highlight the achievement of holding elections in Afghanistan, rather than dwell too long on the undoubted imperfections. Many Afghans are taking part in the elections despite the danger of violence and concerns about corruption, and the polls are not just being imposed by the outside world

Germany goes global: farewell, Europe?

The great engine both of Europe’s economic strength and its political unity is falling out of love with its creation. Some fear that Germany has outgrown Europe – but either way the consequences of German disaffection are profound for both the EU and its other member states

Sharing aircraft carriers

Tight budgets mean hard choices. For instance, new aircraft carriers would be lovely but they cost a lot. As the UK’s Strategic Defence and Security Review reaches its final stages, Nick Witney argues that perhaps it’s time to start sharing with the French

Stronger than it thinks it is: how Europe should deal with China

The question of how the EU should deal with the world’s rising powers will dominate the informal Gymnich foreign ministers’ meeting and the European Council meeting over the next week. In a memo to European leaders, François Godement and Mark Leonard argue that the financial crisis may have increased Europe’s leverage when it deals with Beijing

Europe?s most persecuted people?

Roma numbers are rising, while President Sarkozy’s recent campaign against the Roma people highlights their growing persecution across Europe. Ben Judah argues that there is a real danger that a large proportion of the EU’s population could effectively end up being second-class citizens