
Are we back to 1914, 1938, 1945 or 1989?

Ten years ago, the consensus was that the Cold War was ancient history, but recent events in the Ukraine make clear that it is not as distant of a memory as it once seemed

How should Europe respond to Russia? The German view

Germany’s willingness to enter into dialogue is explained by the fact that it feels a special responsibility towards Russia stemming from complicated history

How should Europe respond to Russia? The Spanish view

Spain's cautious approach regarding the Ukraine crisis is rooted in a complex cluster of factors, including geographic distance and economic ties with Russia

How should Europe respond to Russia? The Polish view

The crisis in Ukraine is not about the rights of ethnic Russians, but rather Moscow's desire to destabilise Ukraine and re-establish strategic control of the region

Europe’s big tax scam

It is hard to believe that Juncker knew nothing of the recent LuxLeaks tax scandal, but political deception is not a better alternatie

Prospects for the Iranian nuclear talks

While the new potential role of Russia boosts​ the chances of a final nuclear deal with Iran, gaps over sanctions relief continue to place doubts over whether this month's deadline can be met