
Making a deal on migrations stick

European leaders discussing EU migration policy at this week's European Council do not have an easy task, but high-level conversation is good news

The State of the War

The situation for civilians in Eastern Ukraine is dire

Weak government, strong society

In post-Maidan Ukraine, failing governmental action is substituted by voluntary work. While the Ukrainian state is failing in many aspects, Ukrainian society is very strong. 

Kyiv and the regions

Ukraine has been an over-centralised state since its independence from the Soviet Union, but now the notion of “decentralisation” has taken hold in even tiny villages

Just what does Cameron want?

With so many interests group inside and outside the UK, how can Cameron satisfy everyone?

Yemen: The war continues

Fighting in Yemen shows no signs of stopping, with dire humanitarian consequences

Putin and the FIFA scandal

The Russian president’s reaction to the corruption charges is part of a battle over global rules of political order

The Complainers Club

Cameron and Tsipras portray their countries as victims of the EU and its policies and demand redress, privileges and special conditions