
Russia at the gates of Aleppo

Russia moves towards objective of a negotiated settlement in Syria with a mixture of calculation and carelessness

China’s slowdown and Europe’s leverage

China's declining economic leverage offer Europe an opportunity for a coordinated rebalancing of the relationship between China and the EU

Azerbaijan: Approaching crisis point

Collapsing oil prices are hastening the moment of reckoning for the tottering Azerbaijani political and economic system

The law of the ‘Jungle’

With the future of the Dublin system up for grabs, families are still being divided by mistrustful governments 

How China and the West use terrorism

In the hands of some governments, terrorism has become a semantic weapon for pressuring others to cooperate in their struggles

Aleppo under siege

Keeping the political track alive is the only way to break cycle of death and devastation in Syria as regime closes on rebel stronghold