
View from Warsaw: the Polish riddle

It is less about concrete policy ideas than an overall strategy towards the EU: will it take a pragmatic position or pursue an ideological path?

European defence: More smoke, but will there be fire?

There are plenty of ways Europe can improve defence co-ordination – if its leaders truly want to move down this path. The determining factor will be political will in national capitals

Putin’s gamble on Russia’s Duma elections

Putin has sought to improve the apparent transparency of the electoral process while simultaneously strengthening the chance of a United Russia win. But pulling the election date forward delivers a short term benefit at the expense of longer term risk

The Apple tax bill is not protectionism

International conflicts are inevitable when governments challenge the excesses of multinational corporations

Playing Defense in Europe

The dislocation and confusion of 2016 do not rival the turmoil of the interwar period, but they are certainly symptoms of a new interregnum