
‘New KGB’ plans betray Putin’s anxiety

If true, this would be a serious shift in policy, reflecting a dawning awareness on Putin’s part that his old strategies for governing Russia are looking increasingly ineffective. 

Duterte trumps Trump

Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte’s call for US troops and advisors to leave the Philippines, shortly after issuing an expletive ridden description of President Barack Obama, needs to be taken seriously

EU-Turkey relations after July 15: Turning the page

A complex and explosive mixture of misunderstandings, bad blood and unrecognised but shared interests has brought EU-Turkey relationship to a critical juncture

View from Berlin: Keep calm and carry on

Bratislava should be modest in rhetoric and look to develop coalitions for security and growth initiatives

View from Rome: Europe is alive but needs to kick

Bratislava is the perfect opportunity for Europe’s leaders to live up to their responsibilities in delivering concrete responses to Europe's challenges