
Ukraine’s Euro vision not yet realised

Ukraine embraced the official Eurovision slogan ‘Celebrate Diversity’ with apparent ease; not least because it is the perfect symbol for the new Ukraine and its…

Iran’s Elections: what you need to know

On May 19, the Islamic Republic of Iran holds presidential elections, the first following the landmark 2015 nuclear agreement. Incumbent President Hassan Rouhani is running…

The Macron leak that wasn’t

So stark is the absence of interesting information that one could conclude that the Macronleak was a false flag operation designed to point the finger at Russia

Time to bring Hamas in from the cold

The EU should welcome Hamas's new political platform and seize the opportunity to engage moderates within the movement

Brexit, Trump, France: third time unlucky?

A tumultuous election season has stirred up France's political landscape. While Macron seems likely to win, he needs to do so convincingly to create new stability

Trump’s poisoned TTIP chalice

The prospect of reopening trade talks with the US puts the European Union in an invidious position

Macron and the French Paradox

While commentators focused largely on negative aspects, France has seen an unprecedentedly pro-European electoral campaign

Why Putin won’t get tough on Kadyrov

The persecution of gay people in Chechnya may point to a profound weakness in the Kremlin’s power in the republic