
Navigating the Eastern Flank without Germany?

German relegation of security and defence to non-core issues leaves European observers puzzling where Germany is heading, and how far it can be relied upon

Curtain comes down on Balkan Hague tribunals

Many crimes remain unanswered for, but with the Hague phase essentially over, it is about time for the difficult process of reconciliation

EU backed into a corner on Israel-Palestine

Trump’s Jerusalem announcement and Netanyahu’s visit have placed unprecedented strain on Europe’s Israel-Palestine policy. 

One less adult in the room

Rex Tillerson received a frosty welcome in Europe last week. But the old continent has not yet formulated a practical response to Trump’s foreign policy

Tories sleepwalk towards soft Brexit

The UK government was deluded when it thought reaching a deal would be easy. It is deluded now in underestimating the concession it has made