
Oman: between Iran and a hard place

Oman has historically been careful to balance its relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran, allowing it to play a useful role mediating regional disputes. However, as the region’s anti-Iran rhetoric is ramping up and the Sultanate is having to deal with its own domestic issues, neutrality is becoming harder to maintain

Why China (probably) won’t go to trade war with America

The US protecting its own technology is not the same as a trade war. But were such a war to emerge, it may well be the apparently invulnerable Xi Jinping rather than the bullishly confident Donald Trump who finds his country worse off as a result

4 factors that led to Turkey’s snap elections

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is trying to get ahead of a downward curve in Turkey’s fortunes. He has – probably – done enough to win this new snap vote

Libya after Haftar?

Haftar’s weakening position will have ramifications for the stability of Eastern Libya, the activities of regional states that have based their policy on him, and on the diplomatic efforts to unify Libya’s fragmented political and security actors

The European budget talks: Financial threat to a global Europe

Although talks on the EU’s next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) might appear dull on the surface, we should force ourselves to take notice of them and emphasise the long-term importance of the external tranche of the budget