Wie wird Xi Jinping China verändern?

Eine öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion in Kooperation mit der Daimler AG zu den möglichen wirtschafts- und außenpolitischen Veränderungen in Xi Jinpings China.


Prof. François Godement, Direktor of ECFR's Asia & China programme

Dr. Volker Stanzel, former Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to China and Japan

Chaired by

Hans Kundnani, former Research Director at ECFR Berlin

China’s growth and development have reached new dimensions, but the country is also facing enormous challenges. China's economy growth is slowing down and according to the World Bank, this trend will continue. However, the apparent weakness can offer a chance to stabilize the market in times of slower growth rates. For this to happen, reforms are needed. The Chinese leadership has acknowledged this at the Third Plenum in November 2013. The Chinese government affirmed its commitment to further open markets, to fight corruption and the environmental crisis – just to name a few. China is to be changed, but can the Chinese government implement these ambitious reforms under Xi Jinping?

On April 26th, the ECFR Berlin hosted together with the Daimler AG a public discussion on possible chances in Xi Jinping's China.

The main questions adressed were whether Xi Jinping's position resembles Putin's or rather Mao Zedong's power. Special focus of the discussion were also the implication of Xi's rule for China's economic and foreign policy. So the discussants spoke at length about China's “New Silk Road” and the implication of the rise of China for the power balance in international politics.