Towards a European Indo-Pacific strategy

The European Council on Foreign Relations is launching a new project on the Indo-Pacific, to foster a joint understanding of the region from a pan-European perspective

, Berlin time (CET, UTC+1)

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Gordon Flake, founding CEO, Perth USAsia Centre
Vijay Gokhale, former Foreign secretary of India and Indian ambassador to China
Mihoko Matsubara, Chief Cybersecurity Strategist, NTT Corporation in Tokyo
Romana Vlahutin, Ambassador at Large for Connectivity, European External Action Service

Chaired by

Frédéric Grare, Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR

The European Council on Foreign Relations is launching a new project on the Indo-Pacific, to foster a joint understanding of the region from a pan-European perspective. From security to free trade, green growth, and technology multiple avenues for cooperation exist and become ever more evident in the changing geopolitical realities. A coherent Indo-Pacific strategy would serve as an opportunity to establish Europe’s own and specific approach based on multilateralism and the rule of law while enhancing European sovereignty and diversifying relationships with partners in the region. What are the highly plausible contingencies in the Indo-Pacific region that Europe needs to prepare for? How can Europe make use of the different layers of bilateral, plurilateral, and multilateral frameworks in the region? How can effective coalitions be structured? To discuss these questions we have put together a panel of experts, outlining the expectations vis-à-vis Europe from a regional perspective by some of our key partners such as India, Japan and Australia.