The 2024 European Parliament elections: between reality and hope

, Sofia time (EEST, UTC+3)

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  • Vessela Tcherneva, Deputy Director, ECFR
  • Wojciech Przybylski, Editor-in-Chief, Visegrad Insight; President, Res Publica Foundation
  • Garvan Walshe, Co-founder, NGO Unhack Democracy.

Chaired by

Petar Karaboev, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Dnevnik


ECFR Sofia, THE CIVICS Innovation Hub and Visegrad Insight joined forces to discuss scenarios for the outcomes of the upcoming June 2024 European Parliament elections. Vessela Tcherneva (ECFR), Wojciech Przybylski (Visegrad Insight), and Garvan Walshe (Unhack Democracy) reflected on polling data, trends, scenarios and strategies for effective civic engagement amid uncertainty.