Scenarios for the Eastern Neighbourhood

Where is Russia heading and what does it mean for Poland and the EU


Andrew Wilson (ECFR)

Piotr Buras (ECFR)

Adam Balcer (WiseEuropa)

Nikolay Petrov (ECFR, Visiting Fellow)

Witold Rodkiewicz (OSW)


Chaired by

Maria Przełomiec (TVP)

Warsaw Office of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)

organized the public debate:


Scenarios for the Eastern Neighbourhood

Where is Russia heading and what does it mean for Poland and the EU


on the 31st of May from 3:00pm to 4:45pm

on the premises of the Stefan Batory Foundation, 10a Sapieżyńska Street in Warsaw


The discussion coincided with the release of the ECFR’s report „Russia 2030: A story of great power dreams and small victorious wars” by Andrew Wilson and Frederik Wesslau. The analysis covers present trends in Russian foreign and domestic policy, their expected consequences for the role of Russia in the region in 2030 and its implications for the EU and Poland. We recommend you as well the recent publication by Nikolay Petrov: „Putin’s downfall. The coming crisis of the Russian regime”.



3:00pm – 3:15pm Presentation of the report: Andrew Wilson (ECFR)

3:15pm – 3:25pm Implications for Poland: Piotr Buras (ECFR), Adam Balcer (WiseEuropa)

3:25pm – 3:35pm Commentary: Nikolay Petrov (ECFR, Visiting Fellow)

3:35pm – 3:45pm Commentary: Witold Rodkiewicz (OSW)

3:45pm – 4:15pm Discussion

4:15pm – 4:45pm Questions & Answers

Chair: Maria Przełomiec (TVP)