Russia’s war against Ukraine one year on: Views from Central Europe

, Berlin time (CET, UTC+1)

Hybrid event


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  • Thomas Bagger, German Ambassador to Poland
  • Ivan Krastev, President, Center for Liberal Strategies
  • Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, head of the Strategies 2050 Think Tank, former Polish Ambassador to Russia

Chaired by

Bartosz Wieliński, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Gazeta Wyborcza

Russia’s devastating war against Ukraine on European soil has been raging for one year now. With tens of thousands of Ukrainian lives lost, the country is fighting for its independence and for our security.

The war has fundamentally changed the way Europe sees itself, and the way others see Europe. It has put in doubt long-held beliefs about the composition and power dynamics within the global order, shattered illusions about Russia, and revised the axioms of energy policy for years to come. In times of great uncertainty, the only certainty is that there is no going back to the status quo ante. 

Going forward, several questions remain:

  • How strong is the West’s resolve in a war that is essentially directed against its values and stability?
  • Are we in a position to assist Ukraine in achieving victory, and what would such a victory entail?
  • How will the dispute over the war shape relations within the Union and vis-á-vis the rest of the world?  

Join us as we discuss these questions and new global ECFR-commissioned opinion polling in this hybrid event.

Polish version of the video


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