Personnel is Policy: Republican Plans for an Administrative Overhaul under Trump 2.0

, Berlin time (CET, UTC+1)

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Dan Caldwell, Public Policy Advisor, Defense Priorities

Jeremy Shapiro, Research Director & US Programme Director, ECFR

Chaired by

Jana Puglierin, Head, ECFR Berlin and Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR

Donald Trump is poised to be the next Republican nominee for President of the United States. As such, he stands a roughly even chance of winning the presidency in November 2024.  
With this potential transition looming, attention has turned towards Trump’s agenda to eradicate the “Deep State” and ongoing preparations for the implementation of such agenda. Plans such as Heritage 2025 Agenda and America First Transition Project have outlined a series of staffing plans and overhaul initiatives that could significantly shape the direction of governance if Donald Trump assumes office for a second term. 

This webinar will discuss the plans for an administrative overhaul during a second Trump administration, discuss what they mean for America and Europe and describe the parallels to the Hungarian experience.  

This event is organized as part of the 2024 Road to Election virtual series, a collaboration of over 30 transatlantic partners. For more information on the project and other upcoming events, please visit