Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace

Joint seminar organized in cooperation of the ECFR office in Berlin and Microsoft on the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, chaired by Jeremy Shapiro.


Guido Brinkel, Director, Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Berlin 
Sven Herpig, Director, International Cyber Security Policy,
                       Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
Stefan Saatman, Global Coordinator Cybersecurity Policy, Siemens
Thomas Schnauf, Senior Expert Public & Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Telekom
Isabel Skierka, Research Analyst, Digital Society Institute
Wolfram von Heynitz, Head, Cyber Policy Coordination, Federal Foreign Office
Rebekka Weiß, Head of Trust & Security, bitkom

Chaired by

Jeremy Shapiro, Research Director, ECFR

At the 2018 United Nations Internet Governance Forum, President Emmanuel Macron launched the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace. This high-level declaration in favor of the development of common principles for securing cyberspace has already received the backing of a variety of stakeholders, from both the public and private sector. They are committed to working together to prevent malicious activity online; protect the accessibility and integrity of the Internet; cooperate in order to prevent interference in electoral processes; work together to combat intellectual property violations via the Internet; improve the security of digital products and services as well as everybody’s “cyber hygiene”; and work together to strengthen the relevant international standards.

Ahead of the next Paris Peace Forum, the European Council on Foreign Relations in partnership with Microsoft will be organizing a series of seminars in Berlin, London and Madrid to better understand the Paris Call. The aim is to debate and enhance the solutions proposed in the Call, while strengthening multi-stakeholder cooperation and dialogue on these issues.


9:30 Welcome Coffee
9:45 Opening remarks by Guido Brinkel, Microsoft Berlin, and
        Jeremy Shapiro, ECFR

10:00 Norms to govern state action in cyberspace

Is the regulation of state action in cyberspace a real problem? What do state and non-state actors need to agree on norms in cyberspace? What are the main problems and possible responses? What is the German vision on the solutions proposed in the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace?


Isabel Skierka                                 Research Analyst, Digital Society Institute
Guido Brinkel                                  Director, Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Berlin
Rebekka Weiß                                 Head of Trust & Security, bitkom

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Strengthening cooperation and dialogue ahead of the
          Paris Peace Forum

How do we ensure buy-in from key actors such as the United States, Russia, Iran and Israel who haven’t endorsed the Paris Call? What is the industry debate on the norms proposed in the Paris Call? What are the risks which require new norms?


Stefan Saatman, Global Coordinator Cybersecurity Policy, Siemens
Thomas Schauf, Senior Expert Public & Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Telekom
Sven Herpig Director, International Cyber Security Policy,
                      Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
Wolfram von Heynitz Head, Cyber Policy Coordination, Federal Foreign Office

12:45 Light lunch and networking
13:15 End of the Workshop