Mediterranean Chaos

Crises, regional challenges, Europe's role 


Lucio Caracciolo, Director, Limes

Fabrizio Cicchitto, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies

Barbara Contini, Chair, Foundation Italia-USA

Mattia Toaldo, Policy Fellow, ECFR

Nathalie Tocci, Deputy Director, IAI; Special Advisor to the High Representative; ECFR Council Member 

Event organized by the ECFR Rome office in partnership with Limes and the Italian Centre for Peace in MiddleEast.

We thank the Unit for Analysis, Policy Planning and Historical-Diplomatic Research of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for its support 


July 1st 2015 6p.m.

Hosted by Edison, Via del Quirinale 26 00187 Rome

to confirm: [email protected]; +390667076791