Exploring “Digital Empires”: A Black Coffee Morning with Anu Bradford

, Berlin time (CEST, UTC+2)
Venue: ECFR Berlin, Unter den Linden 17, 10117 Berlin


Anu Bradford, Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organization, Columbia Law School

Chaired by

Jana Puglierin, head, ECFR Berlin and senior policy fellow, ECFR

As our world becomes increasingly digitized, the strategies and approaches adopted by global players such as the United States, the European Union, and China are reshaping the contours of international relations and policy-making. On the occasion of the release of her newest book, “Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology,” Anu Bradford will provide insights into how governments navigate the digital age. By exploring the market-based approach of the U.S., the state-focused stance of China, and the rights-driven strategy of the EU, Bradford uncovers the complex interplay of control, freedom, and innovation that defines our digital future.

How do these digital empires shape and regulate technology to further their strategic goals? What are the implications of their contrasting approaches for global geopolitics and trade? How does China’s role in the digital landscape impact the decisions made by the U.S. and EU?

A light breakfast will be provided. Please note that seating is limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The event will be conducted in English.