European traps for democracy. Russia, Ukraine, corruption.

Discussion of the prominent intelectuals Adam Michnik and Ivan Krastev titled “European traps for democracy. Russia, Ukraine, corruption”.


Adam Michnik and Ivan Krastev

Chaired by

Toni Nikolov,

18.30, the Aula of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, free entrance
Joint event of the Polish Institute in Sofia with ECFR Sofia.

Discussion of the prominent intelectuals Adam Michnik and Ivan Krastev, titled “European traps for democracy. Russia, Ukraine, corruption”.

Adam Michnik – publicist, essayist, writer, historian and political activist, editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza. Historian by education, opposition activist during the communism and political prisoner for many years. Bearer of the highest state orders: the Polish Order of the White Eagle and the French Order of the Legion of Honour, the Medal of Goethe and winner of the title “European of the year”.

Ivan Krastev – political scientist, philosopher, publicist, Chair of the Board of Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia. Founder and Member of the Board of the European Counicl on Foreign Relations.