Europe after Paris. Terrorism, a growing threat?
After Paris: scenarios for European and Middle-Eastern security
Paolo ALLI, Deputy Chair, Parliamentary Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly; Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies
Nicola LATORRE, Chair, Defense Committee, Senate of the Republic
Andrea MANCIULLI, Chair Parliamentary Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly; Deputy Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies
Fabrizio MARONTA, Editor and Head of International Relations, Limes
Alberto NEGRI, Special Envoyee, Il Sole 24 Ore
Mattia TOALDO, Policy Fellow, ECFR
Chaired by
Nicola PEDDE, Director, Institute of Global Studies
The Paris events of November 13 made ISIS' terrorist threat to Europe visible. How and when will terrorism try to strike again? Which instruments should the international community adopt to to face such threat? What are terrorism's roots and motives? Which targets does it have?
To discuss these issues, the Institute of Global Studies, the European Council on Foreign Relations and Limes organize the conference “Europe after Paris. Terrorism, a growing threat?
TO CONFIRM: [email protected]
VENUE: Circo Ufficiali delle Forze Armate d’Italia, Palazzo Savorgnan di Brazzà, Sala Millevoi, Via XX Settembre,2 ROME
DATE: Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 4.00 pm