Encircled by crises : European Foreign Policy in 2015
Conference in collaboration with ECFR on the occasion of the release of the European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2015.
François Godement, Director Asia and China program, ECFR
Susi Dennison, Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR
Pierre Lévy, Director European Union, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Vessela Tcherneva, Director of Wider Europe program, ECFR
Chaired by
Christian Lequesne, Professor, Sciences Po, CERI
Mardi 17 février 2015
17h30 – 19h30
CERI – Sciences Po
56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris / Salle de conférences
The end of the affair with Russia: Scorecard 2015’s main findings
François Godement, Director Asia & China Program, ECFR
Susi Dennison, Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR
Mesmerised but with little influence: the EU and MENA in 2014
Susi Dennison, Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR
Pierre Lévy, Director, European Union, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Moving beyond China? The EU in Asia in 2014
François Godement, Director Asia & China Program, ECFR
The return of a security mindset: the challenges the EU faced in the Eastern Neighbourhood, Western Balkans and Turkey
Vessela Tcherneva, Director of Wider Europe programme, ECFR
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Conference organised in collaboration with the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) on the occasion of the release of the European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2015