China in Europe’s periphery. How China became a power in the Western Balkans

The virtual roundtable, “China in Europe’s periphery. How China became a power in the Western Balkans”, will bring a small group of experts, officials, NGO and media representatives together in a discussion on China’s embedding in the region

, Berlin time (CET, UTC+1)

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Chaired by

Dr Janka Oertel, Director, Asia Programme, ECFR

The European Council on Foreign Relations has recently published a new policy brief, “Decade of patience: How China became a power in the Western Balkans”, based on research our visiting fellow Vladimir Shopov conducted throughout the region of the Western Balkans. The policy brief sheds a light on the way China is slowly transforming its interactions with Western Balkans countries in sectors such as culture, media, and politics into long-term and institutionalised relationships.

ECFR is now organising a virtual roundtable in order to present and discuss the research results of its project in cooperation with Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project by the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

The virtual roundtable, “China in Europe’s periphery. How China became a power in the Western Balkans”, will bring a small group of experts, officials, NGO and media representatives together in a discussion on China’s embedding in the region.