Battle of narratives: Europe in the face of Russian cultural war

The discussion, organized by the Rome Office of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and LUISS School of Government, features the presentation of ECFR’s 2023 European Sentiment Compass

, Berlin time (CEST, UTC+2)
Venue: Rome

Far from the battlefields in Ukraine, a parallel cultural war is being waged in Europe, one to conquer the public opinion and shape the sentiment across EU countries. ECFR’s 2023 European Sentiment Compass reveals that, while Member States’ support for Kyiv remains strong, a growing challenge is represented by dealing with Russian disinformation, cultural expressions, and minorities. Economic and cultural ties are in fact being exploited by Moscow to undermine EU cohesion, and Europe is called to raise awareness without jeopardizing its fundamental values of freedom and openness.

In this framework, the discussion “Battle of narratives: Europe in the face of Russian cultural war”, organized by the Rome Office of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and LUISS School of Government, features the presentation of ECFR’s 2023 European Sentiment Compass.


  • Marc Lazar, Chair BNL BNP Paribas, French-Italian Relations in Europe; President of the Advisory Board of the School of Government, LUISS University
  • Pawel Zerka, Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR
  • Alberto Rizzi, Pan-European Fellow and Associate Researcher, ECFR

Chaired by: Carolina De Stefano, Lecturer, Russian History and Politics, LUISS University; Associate, CERCEC-EHESS