After Brexit: Strategizing cooperation in the European Union of 27

Policymakers & experts strategy meeting at the European Policy Centre


with among others
Herman Van Rompuy, President, European Policy Centre, President Emeritus of the European Council and former Prime Minister of Belgium
Martin Kotthaus, Ambassador of Germany to Belgium
Janis A. Emmanouilidis, Director of Studies, European Policy Centre
Almut Möller, Senior Policy Fellow and Head of Berlin office, ECFR


With this new series for informal reflection and strategizing, ECFR seeks to foster a conversation among strategic thinkers from governments, parliaments, and think tanks on re-strengthening cooperation between European capitals. At a time of increased demand for fresh ideas on how to boost Europe’s capacity to act, the series provides space for an exchange on new cooperation frameworks and future policy initiatives. The strategy meetings provide each participant with a European perspective to inform policy debates in their national capitals and strengthen their European networks with peers from across the continent.

Roundtable 1: Strategizing cooperation in the EU27 – Views from the Capitals
This session will open the discussion on EU27 coalition strategies with views from Berlin and Brussels. What are the main interests and drivers for cooperation between EU27 governments in the current environment? What does this mean for the EU's capacity for collective action?

Roundtable 2: Future coalitions in the EU27 – From data to strategy?
This session will kick off with a snapshot of results from ECFR’s expert survey on EU coalition building conducted among several hundred European policy professionals. The visualisation will present patterns of interaction between groups of EU member states in light of the discussion and expertise around the table.

ECFR research and data on cohesion and cooperation in the European Union will inform the strategy meetings. The series is supported by Stiftung Mercator and is part of ECFR’s Rethink: Europe initiative. To learn more about Rethink: Europe, including our data on European cooperation and related publications, please visit