Africa-Europe Relations in 2021
The roundtable will focus on the state of the Africa-Europe relationship with its challenges and opportunities, and the role that Southern Europe could play in the process
Francisco André, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Portugal
Lora Borissova, Senior Expert in the Cabinet of EU Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen
Emanuela Del Re, Deputy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy
Theodore Murphy, Director, Africa Programme, ECFR
Bernard Quintin, Deputy Managing Director (AFRICA.DMD), EEAS
Chaired by
Arturo Varvelli, Head, ECFR Rome
Europe’s Africa engagement is in the process of evolution. The ties between Africa and Europe are many. Forged through proximate geography and shared history there is much to draw upon in knitting the two together going forward. But some points of mutual benefit are as yet not fully realized as such, other areas are misinterpreted as problems rather than challenges with upside benefit if gripped adroitly.
This roundtable will focus on the state of the Africa-Europe relationship with its challenges and opportunities, and the role that Southern Europe could play in the process.
The question underpinning the Session is: Why shouldn’t the Africa/Europe relationship grow to be amongst the most important for each continent? What needs to occur to realise that vision?
The virtual roundtable will be held in English on the record with mandatory registration in advance.
16.00 – 16.05 Introduction
Arturo Varvelli, Head, ECFR Rome Office
16.05 – 17:00 Africa-Europe Relations in 2021
Emanuela Del Re, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy
Francisco André, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Portugal
Lora Borissova, Senior Expert in the Cabinet of EU Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen
Bertrand Quintin, Deputy Managing Director (AFRICA.DMD), EEAS
Theodore Murphy, Director, Africa Programme, ECFR
17:00 – 17.30 Discussion
Moderator: Arturo Varvelli, Head, ECFR Rome Office