Identifying and countering China’s global digital strategy
NBR, Institut Montaigne (IM), and ECFR partner for a joint virtual event to discuss China’s global digital strategy
The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR), Institut Montaigne (IM), and ECFR partner for a joint virtual event to discuss China’s global digital strategy, its implications for liberal democracies, and potential policy responses. The sessions will debate China’s digital ambitions, the security implications of China’s growing digital influence, and what European countries and other like-minded partners can do to address these challenges.
2:00 p.m. – Opening Remarks:
- François Godement, Institut Montaigne
- Tara Varma, Head of the Paris office, ECFR
2:10 p.m. – Keynote Speaker: To be announced
2:25 p.m. – Report Introduction:
- Alison Szalwinski, Vice President of Research, The National Bureau of Asian Research
2:30 p.m. – Panel 1: China’s Global Digital Strategy
Moderated by:
- François Godement, Institut Montaigne
- Emily de La Bruyère, Co-founder, Horizon Advisory
- Janka Oertel, Senior Policy Fellow and Director of the Asia Programme, ECFR
- To be announced
3:15 p.m. – Panel 2: Security Implications and Policy Responses
Moderated by:
- Tara Varma, Head of the Paris office, ECFR
- Greg Levesque, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Strider
- Mathieu Duchâtel, Director of the Asia Programme, Institut Montaigne
- Matt Turpin, Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, and former US National Security Council Director for China
4:00 p.m. – Closing Remarks: Alison Szalwinski, Vice President of Research, The National Bureau of Asian Research
4:05 p.m. – Adjourn