Europe’s foreign and security policy agenda for a Trump presidency
Panel discussion with the next generation of security experts
Panel discussion with the next generation of security experts
Expert seminar on Europe’s foreign policy challenges 2025
How do citizens of France, Belgium and Luxemburg view the state of cohesion in their countries and in Europe?
This two days seminar reflects on the prospects for security policy in Europe.
Wie sehen die Menschen in den Niederlanden, Spanien und Ungarn den Zusammenhalt in der Europäischen Union? Eine Bestandsaufnahme stellen Autoren aus diesen drei EU-Mitgliedstaaten vor und knüpfen so an den im Frühjahr 2016 vorgestellten EU Cohesion Monitor an
On 8 June, the EU Cohesion Monitor was presented at the European Academy Berlin. The discussion especially focused on Hungary
Wie viel EU steckt in Europa? Wir diskutieren zur Vorstellung des EU Cohesion Montior den Zusammenhalt Europas
The Berlin Foreign Policy Club in May invited Sebastian Dullien to present his new paper about the economic dimension of the refugee crisis to discuss the current trends and possible future for Europe.
Strategic reflection on the assets a more active European policy should prioritize in a changing and challenging regional environment
Rethink: Europe workshop on EU member state interaction discusses coalition survey results and EU power taxonomy