Human Rights

Iraq after Bush

The most important question of the US presidential campaign is whether we can hope for a rejection of ‘democratic imperialism’ after an illegal war that made both the US and the world less safe

What’s next for Tibet?

The EU needs to act to ensure that China does not use violence to put down protests in Tibet, but engages the Dalai Lama in real dialogue

China?s African propaganda offensive

A new propaganda offensive by China on its activities in Africa provides an opening for the West. We should use this to persuade China to take responsibility for its impact in Africa

Boycotting the China Olympics

Spielberg was right to step down but governments should look at China’s policies within a historical context, and have a strategy for influencing Beijing beyond the summer of 2008

Fighting in Chad should prompt EU re-think

If the European Union is to succeed in Chad, it will need to design an integrated response, covering political, development and military action alike

Is the EU living up to its rhetoric on human rights?

The gap between the EU’s rhetorical and actual commitment to democracy and human rights could lead to growing international scepticism about the EU’s role on the global stage

The EU and Iraq: starting to find a strategy?

The EU is increasingly detached from efforts to stabilise Iraq. But EU governments cannot afford to ignore the situation there, and should use the year ahead to identify strategies to assist Iraq alongside the next US administration

‘Never again’ means Iraq too

The Democratic Party may push for Iraqi troop withdrawals and Europeans may continue ignoring the war, but both should be honest about the consequences of doing so

Observing Russia’s elections

Whatever the electoral outcome, Putin wins. But this time, the manner of the Russian strongman?s victory will undermine not only Russian democracy; but the credibility of Europe?s democracy-promotion