Health & Covid-19

Italy’s industrial geopolitics: Torn between Europe and China

Italian leaders have developed a dangerous preoccupation with being seen to oppose the rest of Europe – particularly Germany – and wild ideas about a future close relationship with China

Salvaging globalisation

Like other recent systemic crises, the coronavirus pandemic has confronted us with an inconvenient truth: the risks associated with international openness might very well outweigh the gains. If today’s multilateral frameworks are to have a future, they must be brought back into the service of national sovereignty.

Covid-19: A test for Russia’s African ambitions

Even as the African Union announces that it is about to receive a huge consignment of medical equipment from Chinese businessman Jack Ma, Russia has not provided such support to African countries so far

Macron, Merkel, and Europe’s “moment of truth”

The French president has laid down the gauntlet by warning the European political project could end if it fails to embrace burden-sharing. One of two scenarios could now play out.