Scotland’s Arctic dream of independence
The Scottish government is developing a foreign policy, and its Arctic vision is one of its most ambitious efforts yet. Should independence come, close friends in the north could be a vital support
The Scottish government is developing a foreign policy, and its Arctic vision is one of its most ambitious efforts yet. Should independence come, close friends in the north could be a vital support
How are the German election results being perceived throughout Europe? And what do they mean for the future of our continent?
ECFR’s Council Members – Europe’s leading decision-makers, opinion-shapers, and public intellectuals – gathered together on 9-10 December in Berlin for ECFR’s Annual Council Meeting to connect and discuss the myriad issues facing Europe and the European Union today
On this night at De Balie we will discuss Germany’s political future and the impact of the election result on European integration and solidarity
Zastanowimy się, co era Merkel znaczyła w historii tego kraju i jak dziedzictwo pani kanclerz wpływać będzie na jego dalsze losy
The parties in Germany’s next coalition government could find it hard to bridge their differences on foreign and defence policy
Paradoxically, to fulfil many Europeans’ expectations, Berlin will need to revise the principles of Merkelism that created this trust
Which coalition is likely? Who are the winners and losers, and likely candidates for main political jobs?
Germany will find it increasingly hard to maintain its current level of prosperity – and security – without charting a new course on China. Fortunately, German voters seem ready for change
Whoever wins the election, the next German government must approach climate action more systematically and in a more sustained fashion