Britain in Europe

Saving British internationalism from Brexit

Even if the UK is a diminished power after Brexit international partners will still need its cooperation in the UN and NATO

A new social and political contract for Europe

“Taking back control” should be the new slogan of a new political union, as only by joining forces can governments wrest control of fiscal policies, offer a new social contract and regenerate their democracies.    

Leave the UK alone

In the brouhaha following the United Kingdom’s historical vote to leave the EU, the two worst risks confronting Europe are complacency and obsession with the UK

Brexit and Europe’s new insurgent parties

As the political earthquake caused by the UKIP-orchestrated British leave vote reverberates across the EU, the full force of European anti-establishment parties is hitting home

Brexit: The foreign policy implications

The people have spoken. But yesterday’s vote to leave the European Union is only the beginning of what will be a long and uncertain process of divorce. 

Lessons from the Norway-EU relationship

Whichever way the British vote in June, they should not believe that a vote to leave is a vote to become another Norway in Europe