America will increasingly demand that we support them
Media mentions – Technology
Like any war, the war in Ukraine is a moment of military-technological innovation. New weapon systems are being developed and tested
the Netherlands is now implementing these measures by applying EU regulations, and other EU member states must at least take into account, they don’t necessarily have to follow the Dutch way
These are symptoms of a deeper geo-economic malaise, and the Commission’s ‘de-risking’ approach is insufficient to address one of its main causes, the great power race for techno-industrial leadership
I think it’s not very protectionist. I think it is realistic. It’s realistic about how China and America define their strategic technologies, where they want to be leaders
The EU’s division between trade instruments controlled by the European Commission and security instruments controlled by member states is inadequate in the face of technological rivalry
Both Europe and the Czech Republic are trying to strengthen their self-sufficiency in chip production
Martin Ehl discusses the future of electric cars and American company, Onsemi’s, large investments in the Czech Republic
Our world is in danger of being divided by the same things that hold it together, as connectivity has provided people with new reasons and weapons to fight
When the EU bans these kinds of apps, it is to be seen as a foreign-policy decision