Defence, Security and Tech

European defence and the two per cent mantra

The best route to improved European defence capabilities is to build on the patchwork of co-operation that already exists – with Germany at its centre

Russia’s heavy metal diplomacy

Mark Galeotti's op-ed on how Russia aims to divide, distract, dismay and dominate neighbours with 'heavy metal diplomacy'

Germany: Politics in times of terror

Initial reactions from the public have been marked by collective grief but not by calls for revenge

European defence: More smoke, but will there be fire?

There are plenty of ways Europe can improve defence co-ordination – if its leaders truly want to move down this path. The determining factor will be political will in national capitals

Passing the buck? Berlin and the 2016 NATO Summit

For now, Germany can live with the results of the NATO summit in Warsaw. But if Germany's allies want an engaged partner on defence matters, they will need to engage in active public diplomacy to avoid German retrenchment.