Three scenarios for Ukraine

Following events in Crimea, three worrying scenarios are conveivable, including a future with more military interventions. To minismise the chance of this happening, Russia's actions have to be met more than just diplomatic signals

Ukraine: the silver lining for China

China could reap a strategic benefit from almost every possible outcome of the Ukraine crisis, and has begun to prepare for all these scenarios

How can the EU impose costs on Russia?

The key challenge for the West is to deter any possible Russian action in Eastern Ukraine, and pursue a twin-track policy aimed at de-escalation

Ukraine’s U-Turn: The real battle for Ukraine has just started

It is time for the EU to stop talking, start listening and act where Ukraine needs the assistance the most: with ensuring its economic stability, laying down new foundations for the rule of law and democracy and strengthening those who advance reforms

Prominent Europeans call for action on Ukraine

Shocked by the bloody crackdown in Ukraine in the past 24 hours, over 30 European political leaders and opinion-makers called today for swift action by the EU in support of European-minded Ukrainians. 

Time for new elections to break the deadlock in Ukraine

The EU should be aware of how much criticism it is getting on the ground. By not imposing sanctions after the US and Canada have already done so, the EU is doing real damage to its reputation in the region. If the Ukrainian protestors lose faith in the EU, then a more inward-looking struggle will get even uglier

Can Europe protect the Euromaidan?

Events in Ukraine have taken a dramatic change for the worse. European choice is under threat but the threat now comes as much from the Yanukovych regime’s struggle to survive as it does from Russian pressure

After Vilnius: Why the EU needs to rethink its Eastern Partnership

The decision of the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovitch not to sign the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement has plunged the EU into a deep crisis. Seen in its most positive light, this shock offers a potential “new start” for the policy. The EU should seize this chance

Ukraine and Bulgaria show power of EU model

There are still countries in Europe where protestors enthusiastically wave the EU's star-studded flag rather than burning it in anger. These days Kiev's embattled EuroMaidan is as much the heart of the Union as the Schuman roundabout in Brussels. So who said Europe lacks a story and a cause?