
Trump’s Ukrainegate could help Ukraine

The US president's impeachment process ensures Ukraine stays on the radar of Americans – and this may work to Ukraine's advantage

European defence and the new Commission

A new directorate-general for defence and space has a chance to make a difference, but only if it plays nice in the sandbox 

Ukraine prisoner swap: A sign of hope or desperation?

The West is drawing the wrong lessons from Ukraine’s exchange of prisoners with Russia. It now risks rushing Kyiv into an unstable ‘resolution’ to the conflict in Donbas

Emmanuel Macron’s very big idea on Russia

Negotiations with Russia over a new European security order would have huge – to many, alarming – implications for Ukraine, the EU, and the NATO alliance

Can Germany stop Libya becoming the new Syria?

The forthcoming Berlin conference offers the chance of a diplomatic breakthrough for all sides in Libya’s proxy ‘civil’ war. Will they seize the opportunity?

Von der Leyen’s safe Commission

Billed as a safe pair of hands, Ursula von der Leyen is about to find out that caution can only take her so far