
The EU’s Global Gateway and a new foundation for partnerships in Africa

The EU should conceive of the Global Gateway and the international aspect of the European Green Deal as mutually reinforcing parts of a single strategy. This would make Europe a key partner in Africa’s green transformation – to the benefit of both continents

AUKUS: After the sugar rush

The initial high of announcing AUKUS has faded for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has returned from the United States to face a less congenial domestic agenda

Russia, elections, and the West: Ten years later

If the Kremlin sees the Duma election result as a buffer that will allow it to safely prepare for a transition at the top, the Russian political system might still find a way to evolve. But, if it views the result as confirmation that the system works just fine, its ‘victory’ really is a Pyrrhic one

The Afghan tragedy and the age of unpeace

The end of the US-led “forever war” in Afghanistan will not bring peace, because the methods that countries use to attack each other have changed. The world has entered a new age of perpetual competition among powerful states