
Georgian lessons for EU generals

As the dust of the August war in Georgia begins to settle, the EU is emerging as the nearest thing around to a winner. An article published in E-Sharp!

US elections – Up to the occasion

If the Obama phenomenon is confirmed in the public vote on 4 November, the repercussions in US foreign policy will be huge

Belarus after its post-Georgia elections

The EU has eased its visa ban on Belarusian officials. Was this the right move? How far can Belarus, once notorious as the ?last dictatorship in Europe?, really change?

An overly comfortable limbo

Like Greece and Macedonia itself, the EU is too willing to accept Macedonia?s state of limbo

What future for the Lisbon Treaty?

Though it might be tempting to kick the Lisbon Treaty into the long grass, today’s European Council should rescue the treaty’s CSFP aspects

From Atocha to Waziristan

Germany?s decision to increase its troops in Afghanistan is both courageous and necessary: the security of both European and Afghan citizens is inseparable

Learning from the EU’s Georgia success

The EU’s Georgia mission is looking like a much-needed, if small ESDP success. But there is still much the EU can learn from its deployment

Rescuing the Lisbon treaty

An article by Andrew Duff, Member of the European Parliament and ECFR Council Member, on the attempt to rescue the Lisbon treaty