
Netanyahu’s Big Fat Israeli Coalition

Israel’s largest opposition party has joined the Prime Minister’s coalition rather than go to elections. Most of this was about raw political calculations – but it also offered an insight into the thinking of Benjamin Netanyahu.  

Hollande has reinvented politics in Europe

The implosion of Greece's party political landscape and the victory of François Hollande in France transformed the political debate in Europe. Moreover, both events act as a catalyst for a political reinvention of the eurozone and an emergence of a transnational political space.  

Germany: What Hegemon?

Since the beginning of the euro crisis, there has been much discussion of actual or potential German “hegemony” in Europe. But Germany's self-centeredness and short-term thinking disqualify it as a hegemon.  

Making the case for a ‘federation lite’

The European financial crisis has refocused the debate on the nature of Europe’s political union. Emma Bonino and Marco de Andreis make the case that a ‘lite’ version of federation may provide a viable and practical solution to the euro crisis.   

Summit-time blues

The coming season of grand international summits means the problems of the Eurozone will once again be thrust upon the global stage. But at least this time European leaders don't have to worry about Silvio Berlusconi.  

Reinventing Europe: Explaining the Fiscal Compact

How does the Fiscal Compact shape fiscal policy and austerity in the euro area and what can be done to make austerity in Europe less brutal? The development of a meaningful 'Growth Compact' may provide the best way forward.  

Time to say basta to the nonsense of austerity

Citizens across Europe are being asked to replace politics and economics with a sheer act of faith in austerity. But it's clear that they are starting to feel the need to stop this nonsense, and European leaders need to take this seriously.  

China and New Europe

Premier Wen Jiabao's latest visit to Europe demonstrated that Beijing has great hopes for its relationship with 'New Europe'. But this is risky for the European Union, as it undermines its ability to present a united front to China.  

Preparing for President Hollande

The prospect of a victory by François Hollande may be causing nervousness in Berlin and elsewhere, but the socialist candidate in the French presidential elections is a natural compromise-builder, and Europe should have no real reason to fear his victory.  

France deserves better than this

As France votes in the first round of its presidential elections, the French people have been denied an analytically, politically honest and comprehensive engagement by the politicians with the real issues at hand in France and Europe.