
Assessing the EU’s new human rights strategy

This week the EU revealed its new human rights strategy, an ambitious plan to 'place human rights at the centre of its relations with all third countries'. The key challenge will be to develop realistic objectives and a clear vision how to achieve them without repeating mistakes of the past.  

The euro crisis: a Spanish perspective

As part of ECFR's 'Reinvention of Europe' project, the authors examine the euro crisis from the perspective of Spain, and argue that new powers must be transfered to the EU alongside an improvement in democratic governance and the acceptance of a new European social contract.  

Europe will leave G20 with a unilateral future

Europeans are strongly in favor of global governance when it is a process they inflict on others, but they are not so keen when others comment on Europe’s affairs. So, is Europe losing its religion on multilateralism?  

Three Elements for a European Recovery Strategy

Growth will not be created with marginal policy measures – we need a fundamental change of the current policy mix. An end to extreme austerity, more public investment and a reform of the financial system must be at the core of a EU growth strategy.  

Obama’s Drone Attacks: How the EU Should Respond

Despite President Obama extending its use of drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, the EU has been largely silent on the issue. But European leaders need to press the US to establish credible international standards to govern their use.  

Europe must not accept Egypt’s military coup

Against the backdrop of Egypt's presidential elections, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) staged a coup d’etat. For Europe, this counter-revolution constitutes a test of whether we have truly learned the lessons of the Arab uprisings.  

Egyptians Making History

Ahead of the second round of Egypts's presidential elections, Elijah Zarwan is in Cairo and takes a closer look at the Brotherhood and the Military – the two dominant forces in Egypt's unfolding drama.   

On Assad’s Doorstep

The eyes of the world are on Syria's bloody villages. But now the revolution is finally coming to the once quiet, now tense streets of inner Damascus.