
How to help Ukraine help itself

Europe should try to recruit Moscow as a stakeholder in an economic settlement for Ukraine, and encourage Ukranians to take responsibility

Ukraine’s U-Turn: The real battle for Ukraine has just started

It is time for the EU to stop talking, start listening and act where Ukraine needs the assistance the most: with ensuring its economic stability, laying down new foundations for the rule of law and democracy and strengthening those who advance reforms

How Abe makes Washington listen

Japanese Prime Minister Abe gives Washington a wakeup call about potential conflict in East Asia, now that immobility is no longer a viable option for dealing with China

Prominent Europeans call for action on Ukraine

Shocked by the bloody crackdown in Ukraine in the past 24 hours, over 30 European political leaders and opinion-makers called today for swift action by the EU in support of European-minded Ukrainians. 

Act tough, think big: time to end the European illusion

If the EU wants to make its way towards serious credibility as an international actor, it must stop thinking exclusively in terms of soft power when it comes to foreign policy

Why Europe should step up its efforts in Libya

European support for Libya is difficult because of a deteriorating security situation and lack of clear institutions, but it would have an important impact on the region

Boost the momentum with Iran – don’t slow it down

The next few months will present some of the biggest, and at times unexpected, challenges for those advocating a political solution addressing Iran’s nuclear programme. 

The revenge of the German elite

Germany's foreign policy establishment responds to accusations of introversion, raising questions about the consequences of a reactivation of German foreign policy with more clearly defined interests

Time for new elections to break the deadlock in Ukraine

The EU should be aware of how much criticism it is getting on the ground. By not imposing sanctions after the US and Canada have already done so, the EU is doing real damage to its reputation in the region. If the Ukrainian protestors lose faith in the EU, then a more inward-looking struggle will get even uglier

The 1,001 lives of al-Qaeda in Iraq

The violence of recent events that have struck Iraq over the course of recent weeks poses questions not only about Iraq’s continuing transition but also about al-Qaeda’s ascendancy in the country