
Can Steinmeier and Hammond reset Bosnia?

Halting Bosnia’s eight-year downward trend and boosting the country’s momentum towards Europe is the main goal of Steinmeier and Hammond’s proposal

Putin is in control

The West deeply misunderstands Putin, whose actions make good sense according to the nineteenth-century ideology to which he subscribes

Moldova’s elections: The economic situation

On the eve of the parliamentary elections in Moldova, the country’s economic situation is relatively stable despite negative external factors

China moves into Afghanistan

Before withdrawing alongside the US by the end of 2016, Europeans should explore whether and how far China's recent involvement in Afghanistan can complement European efforts.  

A close result in Tunisia

The second round of Tunisia’s presidential election is likely to be a close fight after the results of the first round, announced today, showed a tighter-than-expected finish between Beji Caid Essebsi and Moncef Marzouki