
Yemen melts down

The devestating bombings on Friday are just the latest sign that the country is coming apart at the seams

Transforming the global system

In the new polycentric world, global institutions must be reformed so that regional powers have a say in the system

What Europe needs is an EIIB, not an AIIB

Europe should be financing its own public projects, not joining a venture driven by Chinese interests and standards

Germany’s Foreign Ministry reinvents itself

Steinmeier’s review process has come up with a range of prescriptions for the German foreign ministry, and the far-reaching reform envisioned could transform German diplomacy

Xi’s paradoxical China policy

In both domestic and foreign policy, Xi has taken a hard and soft line simultaneously, aimed at bringing China closer to his vision of the “Chinese dream”

Europe’s vulnerability on Russian gas

European member states have different degrees of exposure to disruption of supplies from Russia, which must be addressed to secure the future of the EU's Energy Union

Europe stepping up its game on Iran

A decisive stage in the nuclear talks is approaching, as world powers aim to reach a political agreement with Iran this month