
Real solidarity with France

France's call for European support in response to Paris attacks is an opportunity for the EU to renew cohesion over military cooperation

A war of character

In Europe's war of character against terrorism, level-headed circumspection will serve better than a rush to retaliate and demonise

Forging a European resolve

In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, Hollande has redoubled attempts to break ISIS, but how should the EU as a whole respond while maintaining its core values?

View from Rome: Eyes on Africa

For Italy, Valetta was an opportunity to bring Italian interest in Africa to the fore

View from Berlin: Merkel under pressure

Angela Merkel finds herself under heavy pressure domestically for her stance on migration

View from Paris: A change is coming

France’s focus on Africa at Valetta may be a casualty of the Paris massacres

View from London: A foreign policy focus

Renewed focus on foreign policy responses on migration following Valetta and Paris attacks brings London back into the picture