
What does Russia want?

The nature of the 'Russia challenge' – and how to address it

Timothy Garton Ash awarded the Charlemagne Prize

In recognition of his outstanding scientific and journalistic work, the Board of Directors of the Society for the Conferring of the International Charlemagne Prize of…

Trump and Europe: The NASCAR Summit?

Regardless of Trump's visit to Europe, serious questions about the Trump administration should persist for Europe

Trump’s Saudi speech hints at new risks

Trump’s speech in Saudi Arabia marked a shift in US positioning that is likely to feed rather than temper conflict conditions in the region

The liberation of Europe

The remaining 27 EU members have turned the page after Brexit much faster than the UK itself

Korean peninsula: the plot thickens

Trump’s hard-nosed approach to North Korea is likely to have played a role in the election of a South Korean president who takes a softer view of Pyongyang, and who opposes US intervention