
How to Save Europe

Keynote speech at ECFR's Annual Council Meeting in Paris 29 May. 2018. Check against delivery. 

The ECFR Power Audits

The four power audits show that Europeans, particularly when working together, retain the capacity to cooperate and compete effectively with all these powers.  But they also show that, in each case, Europe is failing to do so. 

Ukrainian elections: Poroshenko and proliferating populists

Four years after Euromaidan, the overall picture is bleak. Former Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko has established a lead in the polls – but she has done so by profiting from social and economic problems rather than addressing past faults

The End of the Concept of ‘the West’?

The West is more and more divided and global strategic interests are diverging. The impact of the US President on views and transatlantic trust is significant.