
The Libya delusion: violence erupts again

Militias have entered Tripoli, shifting the balance of power inside Libya and hampering the advance towards new elections. European powers need to stop squabbling and grasp the meaning of this new state of affairs

Laws on LAWS? Germany’s place in the ‘killer robot’ debate

Germany – and all Europeans – need to get on with agreeing not only the technical rules around lethal autonomous weapons, but also whether we really want to delegate decisions over life and death to machines

Can Europe become a nuclear power?

Only if Europeans resume a serious debate about their responsibilities for their own security

Reluctant leadership

The disengaged culture of military moderation promoted by Berlin restricts the EU from playing a geopolitical role and puts the future of NATO at risk

Chequers Mate

There has been relatively little discussion of the substance of the Chequers White Paper – especially when it comes to security

Is Germany breaking bad?

In an international order that is beginning to resemble a competition between rival cartels, Angela Merkel risks becoming a kind of geopolitical Walter White