Europe in crisis – What next?

The second of two high-profile seminars hosted by ECFR to mark the opening of our new London offices in Westminster. A panel of George Soros, Emma Bonino, Joschka Fischer, Lord Kerr, Anatole Kaletsky and Mark Leonard examine how Europe is coping with the financial crisis and what it means for the future

In the second of two high-profile seminars to mark the opening of ECFR’s new London offices in Westminster, a panel of George Soros, Emma Bonino, Joschka Fischer, Lord Kerr, Anatole Kaletsky and Mark Leonard examine how Europe is coping with the financial crisis, and what it means for the future.

To listen to the whole of ‘Europe in crisis – what next?’, click here.

To listen to a short podcast of the seminar, click here.

The first seminar, on ‘British foreign policy in Europe and the world’ is here, with a short podcast version here

Here’s a slideshow of photos taken during the seminars.



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