ECFR podcasts – experts and big names talking about Europe’s place in the world – in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian
ECFR reports: Gulnur Aybet on Turkey & NATO ECFR agenda: Kosovo's elections & the Balkans ECFR español: José Ignacio Torreblanca presenta “La fragmentación del poder europeo” ECFR italiano: le missioni civili all'estero funzionano? ECFR français: les implications de la crise monétaire ECFR deutsch: zu Deutschlands Rolle in Europa
A full list of our previous podcasts can be found here on our multimedia page
In ECFR agenda our experts reflect on the big issues in the news and in the week aheads
Florian Bieber on Kosovo's elections and the Western Balkans. Click here for audio
Dimitar Bechev on WikiLeaks, Turkey and the US. Click here for audio
Ulrike Guerot on two decades since German reunification. Click here for audio
Jean Pisani-Ferry with an economist's view of Europe. Click here for audio
Mark Leonard on the crisis generation. Click here for audio
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In ECFR reports our experts and some of Europe's leading foreign policy names talk about Europe's place in the world
Gulnur Aybet on Turkey, NATO and security. Click here for audio
Pierre Hassner on European security. Click here for audio
Louise Arbour on international justice. Click here for audio
Lord Robertson on European security. Click here for audio
Gerald Knaus on Turkish foreign policy seen from Istanbul. Click here for audio
Gideon Rachman's new book on a 'zero sum world'. Click here for audio
Bronwen Manby on statelessness and why it matters. Click here for audio
Kurt Volker on reasons for European optimism, as seen from the US. Click here for audio
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ECFR español – Podcasts acerca del lugar de Europa en el mundo, las relaciones internacionales y la politica exterior de España y Europa – en español desde ECFR
- José María de Areilza analiza los problemas que lastran la proyección exterior de la UE y el reto de los europeos de hablar con una sola voz. Haga click aquí para el audio.
- Florentino Portero expone las diferentes tradiciones culturales en materia de defensa de la UE, al tiempo que analiza la evolución de la OTAN. Haga click aquí para el audio.
- Emilio Lamo de Espinosa reflexiona sobre el papel que ha de jugar Europa en un mundo post-europeo. Haga click aquí para el audio.
ECFR Français – Podcasts en Français de ECFR Paris
- Ulrike Guérot examine les tâches qu'il incombe au couple franco-allemand d'accomplir pour répondre à la crise. Ecoutez l'audio ici
- Thomas Klau souligne les implications de la crise monétaire pour la politique étrangère commune. Ecoutez l'audio ici
- Thomas Klau sur la portée et les enjeux de la visite de Sarkozy aux Etats-Unis. Ecoutez l'audio ici
- Thomas Klau sur la chute du gouvernement néerlandais suite au désaccord sur la mission en Afghanistan. Ecoutez l'audio ici
ECFR Deutsch – Podcasts mit ECFR Experten in Deutsch
Ulrike Guérot und Thomas Klau zur Situation in Griechenland und zu möglichen Auswirkungen auf den Euro hier
Ulrike Guerot analysiert und bewertet den jüngsten EU Gipfel hier
- Ulrike Guérot bewertet die aktuelle Situation Deutschlands und Deutschlands Rolle in Europa hier
ECFR Italiano – Podcast di ECFR in italiano sulla politica estera e sul ruolo dell'Europa nel mondo
- Nicoletta Pirozzi sulle missioni civili europee all'estero. Click here
- Senatrice Roberta Pinotti sulle missioni civili dell'Europa all'estero. Click here
You can also subscribe to all ECFR podcasts via Sign up, have a listen and let us know what you think by sending an email to [email protected]
ECFR podcasts and videos reflect the views of the individuals featured, not the collective views of ECFR
- Nick Witney summarising our Transatlantic Relations Report, which he co-authored with Jeremy Shapiro. Click here for the video
- Lluís Bassets, director adjunto del diario El País”. “El desafío más importante que enfrenta la Unión Europea”. Click here for the video
- Diego Hidalgo, presidente de FRIDE. “El desafío más importante que enfrenta la Unión Europea.” Click here for the video
The European Council on Foreign Relations does not take collective positions. ECFR publications only represent the views of their individual authors.